Freelancer tax payments and payouts | Never worry about your tax payout again

Freelancers - Never worry about your tax payout again

Automate your tax calculations and payments effortlessly. Professional accountants handle your returns seamlessly.


How it works


Join Banking Clever, and have all of your freelance income paid into your new Banking Clever Account


That's all there is to it! Whenever funds hit your account, we'll promptly calculate, deduct, and process all your taxes, ensuring you receive your rightful earnings without delay. The money we transfer to you is entirely yours to keep!


As part of our service, we also handle the free lodging of all your tax returns when they come due. Additionally, we'll take the initiative to follow up on any outstanding invoices if your clients are tardy in their payments.

Ready to embark on your Banking Clever journey?

Getting started is a breeze and only takes a few minutes!

Need some extra guidance? Explore our handy guide, designed to have you up and running in just three straightforward steps.

You only pay when you're earning!

Our fee structure involves a 1% +GST charge on income deposited into your Banking Clever Account.

With this fee, you gain complete access to the Banking Clever service, free from joining fees or subscription costs. We don't bill you hourly for answering queries, managing expense receipts, or filing tax returns—ensuring you always pay a fair price, only when you're earning.

Here's a breakdown of our pricing:

  • You're charged just $1+ GST for every $100 in self-employed income.
  • The Banking Clever 1% fee is capped at a maximum of $1,500 per year.
  • If you receive individual payments under $50, a minimum fee of $0.50 per payment applies.
  • We automatically categorize your Banking Clever fees as a business expense on your behalf.